I have seen different references in newspapers and books to how many sections were in each column. I’ve seen 6 and 8, and even 4. These plans above do not say how many sections of stone were in each column. (Those plans were actually drawn up after the the capitol was built for a historical reference.)
When looking at the large memorial columns that were erected after the fire, all three have 8 sections, plus the rounded pedestal, and a cap at the top. The smaller pillars on the Market Street Bridge have 5 sections, plus pedestal and cap.
So what does that mean? Well, assuming that the original small pillars used 5 sections per pillar like the bridge, that would be 40 sections from the original 8, plus 20 more for the new 4 on the side, totaling 60 sections. So if 10 were used on the bridge, then that leaves 50 sections. Well, it was mentioned above that the Scotland School received 46 sections of them. So, 10 + 46 = 56, leaving only 4 sections unaccounted for. That seems like it is all very plausible. Maybe the remaining four sections were too damaged to be used for anything, other than in the foundations.
What about the back six large pillars? Unless some new information is uncovered, my conclusion is that they were used in the foundations of the new capitol as well.